YAPPERS - traduction vers arabe
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YAPPERS - traduction vers arabe



بَقْبَقَة ; ثَرْثَرَة ; عُوَاء ; نُبَاح ; نَبْح ; نَبِيح ; هَذْر


أَنَّبَ ; اِزْدَجَرَ ; بَقْبَقَ ; بَكَّتَ ; ثَرْثَرَ ; جَرَّحَ ; ذَمَّ ; سَعَى بِـ ; عَزَّرَ ; عَنَّفَ ; قَرَّعَ ; لَوَّمَ ; نَمَّ ; هَذْرَمَ ; وَبَّخَ ; وَشَى بـِ ; وَكَّسَ

Exemples du corpus de texte pour YAPPERS
1. Maybe that‘s why the TV yappers are jabbering about a deadlocked Democratic convention.
2. Those TV yappers probably don‘t know but the answer‘s simple: You vote again.
3. The Edwardses gamely waded through the ranks of cable news yappers.
4. Smith and McAdoo represented the two sides of America‘s cultural divide –– what today‘s TV yappers would call the red states and blue states.
5. By Peter CarlsonWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, March 4, 2008; C01 Those TV yappers are in a tizzy about the upcoming Democratic convention.